Four Digit Number Far From The Base

Square With Yavadunam Method-III - Concepts
Class - LIC AAO Prelims Subjects
Concept Explanation

Square of Four Digit Number Far From The Base Using Yavadunam Method

Square Of a Four Digit Number Far From The Base Using Yavadunam Method: This method is used to find the square of a number which is very far from nearest base. To make the calculation easy we take a base nearer to the given number. As we know that in various competitive exam calculations take a lot of time. To avoid this we can use various Vedic Maths Techniques can be used.

Find Square of 6377

Step 1: Find the surplus or the deficit in the number as compared to the base. For 6377 the nearest base is 6000 which is six times 1000. So the surplus is 377

Add the surplus to the number and multiply it with 6

Result 1 = 6 X (6377 + 377) =6 X 6754 = 40524

Step 2: Now find the square of the surplus that is 377. Square of 377 is 142129

Result 2 = 142129

As the base has three zeros so three digits will be prefixed in the answer

Step 3: As the Result 2 has six digits so three digit will be prefixed in the answer and the remaining will be carry.

Answer: 129

Carry is 142

Step 4: The Carry is added to Result 1.  The Resultant Number is Leftmost Block of the Answer

Resultant Number = 40524 + 142 = 40666

Answer: 40666129
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